First Name * Last Name * Email address * Phone Number* Password * Anti-spam Shop Name * Shop URL * Choose Subscription Pack * 1. Starter Pack 2. Bronze Pack 3. Silver 4. Gold pack 5. Premium pack 6. Platinum pack ₦1,000.00 1. Starter Pack This subscription pack will enable you to sell 2 products ₦2,500.00 2. Bronze Pack This subscription pack will enable you to sell 5 products ₦10,000.00 3. Silver This subscription pack will enable you to sell 20 products ₦20,000.00 4. Gold pack This subscription pack will enable you to sell 40 products ₦150,000.00 5. Premium pack This subscription pack will enable you to sell 150 products plus slot on featured products ₦500,000.00 6. Platinum pack This subscription pack will enable you to sell unlimited products plus slot on featured products and slot on POP UP and so much more